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The Challenge

One of the world’s largest retailers was struggling to drive engagement through their mobile application. Their roadmap included features such as real-time notifications while users were walking through a physical store to alert them to price reductions, in-stock item alerts, and targeted coupons.

However, they needed to hire additional experienced developers in order to execute on their roadmap. In recent months, it required 24 interviews to secure 1 developer hire – a cost to the retailer of nearly $10,000.

The Goals

Hire more high-quality mid-senior level Android and 10S developers

Reduce the time and effort needed from hiring managers

Decrease the cost associated with hiring

The Solution

To both accelerate hiring and reduce hiring costs, CEI implemented the ExactMatch talent acquisition methodology:

One of the key pieces to the success of the ExactMatch methodology is the Technical screening process. Our team of recruiters and technology architects vets all candidates to assure they have:

Technical skills required

Specific must-haves for the position

Relevant project experience

Professional stability

On average, just 9% of candidates pass CEl’s ExactMatch Technical screening process. This means that our client hiring managers only review and interview 1 qualified candidate, instead of 10 candidates that may or may not be qualified for the open role.

The Results

In a period of just two weeks, CEl’s team of recruiters initiated 6 interviews with the client, which resulted in 4 hires – 2 iOS developers, and 2 Android developers.

Instead of a cost of nearly $10,000 per hire, each hire cost the client approximately $600 – a cost reduction of 16x.

Before CEl’s ExactMatch:


developer hire after

24 interviews

$10,000 per hire

After CEl’s ExactMatch:


developer hire after

6 interviews

$600 per hire

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